Video Transcription
Speaker 1: All right. Just wanted to shoot quick video here out in Springfield looking at this trailer that we have here. Yes, we buy mobile homes at Panama City.
If you’re looking to sell your house fast, or your trailer fast, in Panama City, definitely give us a call. We’ll come out, take a look, and give you a fair offer.
This one … Facebook, I believe. I think this one came in via Facebook. Damage to the trailer from the Hurricane Michael of course. Yeah. It’s a 2003 trailer. Tree limbs all over the place but overall everything looks pretty intact. The vinyl siding needs pressure washing. I think a couple limbs fell on top of the house and damaged it but … We gotta come back again to get on the inside. Air conditioning unit still in place.
You can see inside. Furniture still there. Everything’s still pretty good looking. Back door. The integrity is still there, just a couple limbs fell on the inside, on top of the roof. They got it tarped so there’s not a lot of water damage. Some insulation here and there on the inside, from what I saw at the windows but … Yeah. Solid.
Hook up the cable. Foundation’s solid. Got a shed. Look behind this tarp here, with this one. No windows broke or anything. Ridge line across the top is still good just the damage where it fell in on top of the ceiling so you gotta repair the roof but I think it’s a solid trailer home.
Yeah. This is what we do. Just come by and assess it. Follow up with the home owner and get them opportunity to see, hey, what we can do for ’em. Let ’em know. Definitely that’s the thing, letting people know we buy houses here in Panama City. Whether it’s a trailer, foreclosure, tax lean, or if it’s damaged. We buy as is. That’s a big thing now. Buying here in the local area with the hurricane damage.
You see here, just look at all the destruction here in this trailer home park in Panama City, Florida. You see a lot of damage to the houses and trailers here in the area. This one fared pretty well so we’ll see everything that’s going on with this one, with the owner. She’s motivated. She wants to move fast and see how fast we can close.
Hopefully we’ll be back … We’ll get in Thursday morning and go from there. Yeah. More to come on this one out here. [Transmitter Road 00:02:47], Panama City, Florida. Operation Restore. We buy houses. If you’re looking to sell fast, let us know, we can help you out here at Operation Restore.